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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Media/saluran transmisi terletak di bawah physical layer. Merupakan jalur transmisi sinyal yang terbentuk di physical layer.

1.1. Guided Media
                   Guided media menyediakan jalur transmisi sinyal yang terbatas secara fisik, meliputi twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable (kabel koaksial) dan fiber-optic cable (kabel serat optik). Sinyal yang melewati media-media tersebut diarahkan dan dibatasi oleh batas fisik media. Twisted-pair dan coaxial cable menggunakan konduktor logam yang menerima dan mentransmisikan sinyal dalam bentuk aliran listrik. Optical fiber/serat optik menerima dan mentransmisikan sinyal data dalam bentuk cahaya.
Twisted-pair Cable
                  Kabel ini merupakan media guide yang paling simple dan umum digunakan. Twisted-pair terdiri dari dua kabel tembaga terisolasi yang saling dijalinkan untuk mengurangi akibat interferensi elektrical dari piranti elektronik dan kabel terdekat.
- Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) Cable
UTP adalah media yang sangat umum digunakan, terutama pada sistem komunikasi telepon walaupun sebenarnya media ini dapat digunakan baik untuk transmisi data maupun suara. Suatu twisted-pair terdiri dari dua konduktor (biasanya tembaga) yang satu sama lain memiliki isolasi plastik dengan warna yang berbeda untuk identifikasi.
Kelebihan UTP adalah efisiensi biaya dan kemudahan penggunaan.

-Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP) Cable
STP memiliki lapisan metal yang membungkus tiap pasang dari konduktor yang terbungkus isolasi. Lapisan metal tersebut melindungi dari penetrasi noise elektromagnetik dan mengeliminasi crosstalk.
STP memiliki kualitas dan konektor yang sama seperti UTP, tapi pelindungnya harus terkoneksi ke ground. Kelebihan STP adalah lebih tahan terhadap noise.

-Coaxial Cable (Kabel Koaksial, dikenal juga sebagai ’coax’)
Coaxial cable membawa sinyal data dengan range frekuensi yang lebih tinggi daripada twisted-pair cable. Coax memiliki satu konduktor metal (biasanya tembaga) yang terbungkus dalam selubung isolator, yang terbungkus lagi dalam lapisan luar dari metal. Lapisan metal ini berfungsi sebagai pelindung dari noise dan konduktor kedua yang melengkapi rangkaian. Konduktor ini juga terbungkus dalam pelindung isolater, dan seluruh kabel dilindungi oleh pembungkus plastik.

Optical fiber terbuat dari kaca atau plastik dan mentransmisikan sinyal dalam bentuk cahaya. Suatu fiber terbuat dari dua plastik atau gelas dengan ukuran silinder yang berbeda. Silinder luar disebut cladding (dengan density yang lebih rendah) dan silinder di bagian dalam disebut core.
Untuk memahami pengiriman data yang dilakukan optical fiber kita perlu memahami pembiasan (refraksi) dan pemantulan (refleksi) cahaya.
Saat suatu cahaya mencapai interface antara dua media dengan density yang berbeda, sinar tersebut dapat dipantulkan ataupun dibiaskan. Jika sudut datang (sudut datangnya cahaya terhadap garis yang tegak lurus permukaan) lebih kecil dari sudut kritis (critical angle, sudut ini didapat dari perbandingan density dua media tersebut) maka cahaya akan dibiaskan. Jika sudut datang lebih besar dari sudut kritis maka cahaya akan dipantulkan.

Keuntungan Penggunaan Fiber Optik
1. Ketahanan terhadap noise
2. Lebih sedikit penguatan sinyal
3. Bandwidth yang lebih besar
Kekurangan Penggunaan Fiber Optik
1. Biaya lebih tinggi
2. Instalasi lebih rumit
3. Rapuh. Secara fisik serat kaca lebih mudah rusak daripada kabel tembaga

Unguided media atau komunikasi tanpa kabel (wireless) mentransmisikan gelombang elektromagnetik tanpa menggunakan konduktor secara fisik. Sinyal dikirimkan secara broadcast melalui udara (atau air, dalam beberapa kasus).
Radio Frequency Allocation
Dikenal juga sebagai radio komunikasi. Dibagi dalam beberapa range frekuensi yang diatur pemerintah.
VLF (Very Low Frequency) dan LF (Low Frequency)
Sinyal-sinya ini dipropagasikan sangat dekat dengan permukan bumi, tidak dapat melewati objek yang padat dan digunakan dalam navigasi radio jarak jauh.

MF (Medium Frequency) dan HF (High Frequency)
Sinyal-sinyal ini dikirimkan lewat udara dan memantul kembali ke bumi. Digunakan untuk komunikasi jarak jauh.

VHF (Very High Frequency) dan UHF (Ultra High Frequency)
Sinyal-sinyal ini biasanya dikirimkan secara line of sight. Digunakan pada terrestrial, satellite dan komunikasi dengan radar.

EHF (Extremely High Frequency) dan SHF (Super High Frequency)
Terrestrial Microwave
Microwave tidak dapat mengikuti bentuk bumi sehingga memerlukan transmisi line-of-sight. Yaitu transmisi mengikuti garis lurus. Jarak yang bisa dilingkupi oleh sinyal tersebut tergantung dari besar dan tinggi antena.
Sinyal microwave berpropagasi satu arah pada satu waktu, sehingga dua frekuensi diperlukan untuk komunikasi dua arah.

Satellite Communication (Komunikasi Satelit)
Komunikasi satelit mirip dengan line-of-sight microwave, hanya saja salah satu stasiunnya, yaitu satelit, mengorbit di atas bumi. Satelit berfungsi seperti antena dan repeater yang sangat tinggi.

Saat mengevaluasi media komunikasi tertentu untuk aplikasi yang diperlukan, ada beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebagai berikut:
1. Biaya. Meliputi biaya material, instalasi dan pemeliharaan
2. Kecepatan. Speed atau kecepatan adalah jumlah maksimum bit per detik yang dapat dikirimkan media itu dengan handal.
3. Attenuasi. Attenuasi adalah kecenderungan sinyal elektromagnetik untuk semakin lama atau rusak dengan makin jauh jarak yang ditempuh.
4. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). EMI adalah ketahanan media terhadap energi elektromagnetik lain yang masuk ke jalam jalur.
5. Keamanan/security. Merupakan proteksi terhadap penyabot.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

status;.text.About me:
write about yourdelf.

Best Friends:

you friends here.

add more text and it will scroll.


style="font-family: 'century gothic'; font-size: 29px;">status; heading:
text text text

text text

add more text and it will scroll.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hi hi! long time no post.
I just opened twitter. and look what i saw in Trending Topic... Miley Cyrus

wonder what happen with her, i clicked that topic.

Gee, i don't really like her new look. But, she is still beautiful. I think she looks like G Dragon from Big Bang.

Or maybe she looks like Patrick Wolf

Now. let's see more funny pics of her new look. ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This HTML background code demonstrates how to keep the background image fixed. Scroll down to see what I mean - the background image stays in the same position.

Here's a demonstration of how to add a thin, dashed border to a scroll box. To add the border, we use the CSS 'border' property.
Scrollbox border code
HTML editor

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

wig for sale on Stardoll. If you want, please write on my GB. Your medoll and number of wig (from right). price: 23SD but number 4 is 25SD. Thankyou

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Look at my Stardoll's suite. Hope you like it. and please vote me 5 for CG or NCG thanks.

1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ini hasil buatan gue buat tugas bahasa Indonesia di kampus gue. Tugasnya disuruh bikin brosur dengan kreasi sendiri. Buat kata-katanya juga sendiri. SO, WDUT?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Look. who was follow me before I follow him.
He is Joel Courtney. He is an American actor. He is most known for his role Joseph "Joe" Lamb, in Super 8. I'm so lucky. :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

In real life I'm waking up alone
It's one more night you didn't make it home
And one more time you won't pick up the phone
In real life you never bring me flowers
When you're here it's only for an hour
I'm getting used to being on my own

Because in real life you're not what I thought
Real life, this isn't what I want
Guess things aren't always what they seem

But in my dreams, I'm waking up to roses
Champagne, kisses and I know it's always, always
Gonna be, gonna be this way
In my dreams, you're standing right beside me
Two hearts finally colliding
Then I wake up and realise, realise this is real life
Real life, this is real life
Real life, real life
Real life, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh
Real life

In real life it doesn't always work out
People fall in love and then they fall out
Hearts can break and never make a sound

Because in real life you're not what I thought
Real life, this isn't what I want
Guess things aren't always what they seem

But in my dreams, I'm waking up to roses
Champagne, kisses and I know it's always, always
Gonna be, gonna be this way
In my dreams, you're standing right beside me
Two hearts finally colliding
Then I wake up and realise, realise this is real life

Just when I thought this was all real life could be
Somebody came along and made my dream reality

And now in real life, waking up to roses
Champagne, kisses and I know it's always, always
Gonna be, gonna be this way
In my dreams, he's standing right beside me
Two hearts finally colliding
When I wake up, I realise, realise this is real life

Thursday, January 26, 2012

After 14 years as a band, Westlife are going their separate ways. With their Greatest Hits album, last single and farewell tour in the pipeline, the boys are saying goodbye to their fans. We caught up with Kian to talk about the end of Westlife.

How does it feel now you have announced you’re splitting up?

Well, it’s fine, you know. I think we all feel like we’re doing the right thing and it’s the right time. We’ve spent a long time dedicating our lives to Westlife and to each other. I think we’ve all kind of come to the stage where we’re all wanting to spend more time with family and things like that and it just kind of feels right. We feel like we’ve been to so many places and done things we’d never thought we’d get to do. We never wanted it to end badly, we always wanted to end it as friends. We’ve managed to do that after 14 years, so we really feel like we’ve made the right decision.

Does it still feel like you’ve got quite a long to way go, with the tour next year?

 Yes, it is a bit like that. I don’t think it feels real to us at the minute. None of it feels real, because we’re still in the middle of it. We’re in the middle of the promotional tour and we’re doing interviews all the time, we’re talking about it all. It’s so strange, but I don’t think we’ve really realised what we’ve achieved and I don’t think we’ve realised what we’ve been doing for the last 14 years. We’re ending with a big concert so, when it all comes to an end, it’ll be quite an emotional moment for us all. Then it’s going to be interesting. It’ll be an awkward few months, seeing what it’s like to live without Westlife. That’ll be when it becomes real.

You’ve just released your greatest hits album. Was it a tough job deciding which songs to include?

We just said put everything that we’ve ever released on this album. There are two different versions of it – there’s one that’s got the definitive hits, all the number ones and the big singles. We wanted to make sure all the big moments are on there. Then they were like: “We’re going to leave off songs that were number two.” But, if it was number two, why wouldn’t we put it on? So it was a little bit funny in that way, but there’s also another version that has literally all the songs ever released. That is amazing, and it’s got every video we’ve ever made on there as well, so that’s the lump package and that’s the one to go for, it’s brilliant.

How long would it take to listen to that whole album then?

I’d say probably four hours. Three to four hours. Maybe more!

Do you have your own personal favourite song or video from the past?

I think songs like Flying Without Wings and You Raise Me Up and World Of Our Own. Those three songs are massive moments in our career and they still feel like we recorded them yesterday. So, from that perspective, they’re amazing songs, but then I remember I loved shooting Fool Again off the first album in Mexico. There were so many different things we did over the years and it’s just crazy looking back on it and trying to pull out moments that were better than others.

Westlife are the longest-running boy band. Why do you think it is that you’ve had such a successful career for so long?

I genuinely believe it’s because we just didn’t argue with each other to the point of disliking each other. We never let things escalate. We had a genuine friendship with each other. From the early days that was the natural thing that happened. And, you know, we knew what we were. We weren’t one of these boy bands that were trying to be something we’re not. We weren’t trying to be cool and hip and trendy. We weren’t trying too hard. We just knew who we were and we stuck to it. We didn’t try to change it. We are about ballads, mid-tempo, up-tempo songs that we like, that are just good fun. And I always think we were just ourselves. We were never fake. What you saw with us was what you got. We always just tried to be ourselves.

Your Greatest Hits Tour in 2012 is going to be amazing. Why is it so important for you guys to kind of do that tour?

It’s a big thank you really and it’s a tribute to our fans, to ourselves. It’s a pat on the back. It’s a celebration. It’s a celebration about what we’ve achieved as a band. It’s a celebration about what the fans have given us. We want to go out on the tour and we want everybody to have a great time. We want it to be happy memories.

CREDIT: BBC Radio 1, Haven

ooow. so sad for their fan who love them since their first year, like me to hear their separate ways. You'll never die in my heart, their heart, our heart.

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Hi! my name is Jasmine Dara Assyifa. You can call me Jasmine or Jass. I'm just an ordinary girl. Sometimes I'm lazy. I get bored. I get scared. I feel ignored. I feel happy, I get silly. I choke on my own words. I make wishes, I have Dreams. And I still want to believe. Anything can happen in this world, For an ordinary girl!
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