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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween Everybody!

Joe Jonas ditched his purity ring last year. And now he made this music video, because he is not wearing his purity ring anymore. WOW. Good job Joe! You're awesome.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Everybody scream
Everybody scream
It's almost Halloween
Do the trick or treat
Do the trick or treat
It's almost Halloween
Everybody scream

Dear Jingle,

Woo. It's almost Halloween. And I never celebrated Halloween. Why Indonesian people never celebrated Halloween? Maybe, a little creepy if Indonesia celebrate Halloween, because the demons that possessed by Indonesia is very creepy. such pocong, and so on others.

If in Indonesia celebrate Halloween, I already have a costume. Harajuku dress. Like this. But mine is purple.

I think this dress will be perfect when used as a costume on Halloween day, maybe I would add the black wings , and white lines would be changed with the color black.
But there are many more costumes which I am eager to use during Halloween. 

ok. I think enough fantasizing about Halloween. kebali world of real, to the place where I will not celebrate Halloween. : p

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dear Jingle

Oh My God! I'm 18 now!
Ga kerasa yaa.. gue sekarang udah umur 18 tahun. Rasanya baru kemaren-kemaren nonton teletubies (apa hubungannya). But now, all people call me young adult. Makasih ya Allah masih di kasih umur.
Jadi inget tahun-tahun lalu. Dari umur 1 tahun sampe umur 10 tahun, ulang tahun selalu di rayain sama temen-temen deket rumah. Selanjutnya cuma di rayain sama keluarga aja. Paling sahabat-sahabat di rumah aja yang ngerayain. Tradisi kita, setiap ada yang ulang tahun selalu ngerayain. Tapi sekarang udah ga lagi. udah pada sibuk siih.
Sekarang udah kuliah, jauh sama temen-temen SMA. Biasanya kita selalu makan-makan, jalan-jalan. Tahun kemaren itu tahun yang bener-bener berkesan, Because i got the best gift of my best friends. Sebuah video ucapan selamat ulang tahun dan kue tart yang mereka bawa pagi-pagi ke rumah gue. Aaaaah... Miss You All...
Nanti kalo bisa aku share videonya.
Pengen share foto-foto setiap ulang tahun juga deh. tapi belum di scan foto-fotonya.
Di tunggu aja.
Udah ah. cuma mau nulis itu aja. Bingung. hohoho

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh My God. So hard to believe it. Gue kenal Westlife dari gue TK, dari sejak itu sampe sekarang gue masih ngefans sama mereka. Tapiii.... sekarang mereka udah mau bubar. Udah 4 kali mereka dateng ke Indonesia, tapi gue ga pernah nonton konser mereka. Tanggal 5 Oktober kemaren adalah kesempatan terakhir yang seharusnya gue dapetin. Gue udah berusaha buat bisa nonton konser itu, tapi tetep gue ga bisa nonton.

Back to the Past
Videoklip mereka yang pertama gue liat adalah FOOL AGAIN. Saat itu gue langsung jatuh hati sama mereka (walaupun gue masih anak kecil). Pertama kali gue langung tertarik sama Kian dan Nicky. Sebenernya waktu itu gue ga bisa ngebedain antara Kian dan Nicky. Menurut gue mereka mirip, sama kayaaaa.... (not important). Terus akhrnya gue ikutin perjalanan karir mereka.
Tapii... setelah Bryan keluar dari Westlife, gue kehilangan jejak Westlife. Lagu-lagu Westlife jarang gue denger. Pas album Back Home keluar, lagu-lagu Westlife jadi sering terdenger lagi.

Yaaa... walaupun Westlife udah bubar, Tapi gue tetep fans mereka. Mereka bubar bukan berarti mereka haru berhenti di cintai.

Kian John Francis Egan
Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne
Shane Steven Filan
Markus Michael Patrick Feehily

I Never Can Say Goodbye at You.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's probably what's best for you
I only want the best for you
And if I'm not the best,
Then you're stuck

I try to savertise and I,
Ended up with wounds to bind
Like you're pouring salt in my cuts

And I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can't bandage the damage,
You never really can fix a heart
Even though I know what's wrong,
How can I be so sure
If you never say what you feel, feel
I must have held your hand so tight,
You didn't have the will to fight
I guess you needed more time to heal

Baby I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can't bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart

Ooh ooh, woa-ah-ah-ah oh-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah yeah-h
Ooh ooh, woa-ah-ah-ah oh-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

You must be a miracle,
Walk up, swearin' up and down,
You can't fix whats been broken, yeah,
Please don't give my hopes up, no no
Baby, tell me how could you,
Be so cruel

It's like you're pouring salt on my cuts

Baby, I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can't bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart

Baby, I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can't bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart
Oh no no no
You never really can fix a heart
Oh no no no
You never really can fix heart...

Oh-ho ooh
Oh-ho aaaah hoo ooh ooh ooh

You never really can fix my heart

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Westlife Greatest hits

1. Swear It Again

2. If I Let You Go

3. Flying Without Wings

4. I Have A Dream

5. Against All Odds

6. My Love

7. Uptown Girl

8. Queen Of My Heart

9. World Of Our Own

10. Mandy

11. You Raise Me Up

12. Home

13. What About Now

14. Safe

15. Lighthouse

16. Beautiful World

17. Wide Open

18. Last Mile Of The Way

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dear Jingle

Oh My Blog. Long time no touch you.
Ga banyak cerita yang mau aku ceritain. Kali ini aku mau cerita kegalauan di awal bulan Oktober. Yaaa... you know laaah... aku kan westlifer, tepat hari ini dan jam ini, Westlife lagi ada di Istora Senayan. Sebenernya udah dari bulan kemaren aku minta mamah buat nonton konser mereka. Tapi, tapi, tapi.... mamah ga ngijinin, karena jauh dan malam. Aww... Hari-hari menjelang konser, Westlife ada dimana-mana. Terutama di TV. Aaah... bikin jadi tambah mau nonton.
Seminggu sebelum konser datang (kalau ga salah), ada yang promosiin link buat ngedapetin konser Westlife gratis dari Telkomsel. Hmmm... Lumayan buat ikut-ikutan, kali aja dapet. Udah lumayan mati-matian buat promosiin link punya aku, ternyata masih kalah juga. Masih ada yang lebih gigih nih... SIAL! Aaah... Yasudahlah.
Dua hari yang lalu, ade aku cerita kalo hari itu adalah hari terakhir buat nuker poin Telkomsel dengan tiket gratis. AHHH SHIT! padahal mamah aku pake Telkomsel dan Poinnya ada 10000. Waaaah.... emang ga jodoh nih kayanya.
Sebelum deket-deket hari H-nya, perasaan aku biasa-biasa aja. Tapi pas udah di bulan Oktober... oh gosh... galau atack!!!
Aaah udahlah, makin cerita makin sedih. Berdoa aja semoga yang belum bisa nonton konser Westife sekarang, bisa nonton konser mereka di lain waktu.

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Hi! my name is Jasmine Dara Assyifa. You can call me Jasmine or Jass. I'm just an ordinary girl. Sometimes I'm lazy. I get bored. I get scared. I feel ignored. I feel happy, I get silly. I choke on my own words. I make wishes, I have Dreams. And I still want to believe. Anything can happen in this world, For an ordinary girl!
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